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Turbocharger diagnostics

Select symptoms

Cause and method of repair

  • Replace air filter according to manufacturer’s specification

  • Clean or replace the hose

  • Clean or replace the hose

  • Clean the manifold

  • Clean the leak

  • Clean the manifold

  • Remove obstruction or replace necessary parts for new ones (check correct operation of the mountain brake)

  • Remove the leak or replace damaged manifold

  • Remove the obstruction or replace the oil line for new one

  • Clean or replace according to manufacturer’s specification

  • Change oil, replace oil filter, check turbocharger for damage

  • Calibrate properly and/or replace worn parts according to manufacturer’s specification

  • Calibrate properly and/or replace worn parts according to manufacturer’s specification

  • Repair engine according to manufacturer’s specification

  • Repair engine according to manufacturer’s specification

  • Check intake system for leaks, check engine crankcase ventilation system, change oil, check turbocharger for damage

  • Find and remove the cuase of damage, repair or replace turbocharger