Difference in 798128-5002 and 798128-5006 turbochargers

Convertible using of 798128-5006S instead of 798128-5002s turbochargers in Ford Duratorq 2.2 litre engines in cars like: Fiat Ducato, Citroen Jumper/Relay or Peugeot Boxer may cause problems.
Exhaust manifold
Because of exhaust manifold changes launch during production of this vehicle, movement of inlet flange turbine housing including movement of location position M8 wheel.
A turbocharger with -5006S end which official replacement is turbocharger with -5004s end DO NOT REPLACE with -5002s end.
If you want to apply 798128-5006s or 798128-5004s turbocharger in place 798128-5002s you need to remember that movement of exhaust manifold in your car is nesseccery.