Assembly manual

1. Prior to installation of the new compressor the reasons for wear or failure of the old one need to be found and rectified. Regardless of this:
• all impurities have to removed from the vehicle’s pneumatic installation and the lines dimensions returned to original;
ATTENTION! Due to complex shape resulting in inability of thorough cleansing the lines of spiral or snake (sinuous) shape should be replaced with the new ones;
• replace or repair failed pneumatic valves, specifically the relief and adjustments ones that collaborate with the compressor;
• verify the cleanliness of air suction assembly – in case of loose impurities or residue, remove the leaks in assembly.
2. After installation of the compressor verify mating with the pneumatic assembly (pumping time, valve opening pressure, etc. – acc. to vehicle’s manual); in case of discrepancies, establish and remove reasons of deviations.
3. In case of noisy operation of the compressor check the following:
• compressor’s lubricating installation;
ATTENTION! In case of channel lubricating system it is not permissible to use sealing compounds between the compressor’s flange and engine socket.
• clearance between compressor’s propelling gears;
• air relieve pressure and patency of the pneumatic assembly (specifically of the line between compressor and valve block).